Happy days


This has been a very busy week…a trip north for eldest’s graduation was first. We were joined by Dada and granny from Japan and little sister. Hannah wore a kimono. Granny and I were up just after 5am to get her into it. She looked amazing.

I returned on graduation day, leaving them all to it, for my last day of uni, which ended with bubbly and badminton on the lawn with a couple of merry lecturers! It was a hoot. It also ended with me getting a first class degree. I wept when I found out. I was convinced I just did not have the marks.

Work at my old hospital in two completely new areas started. Three days in one section and 2 in another. It is bringing in the money, but a break would have been nice…especially as the lovely C is almost here for her annual visit.

Granny and I have hit a few of the local car boot fairs. Today I got the yarn to make a second shark blanket from a retailer who sells on line and who delivers! The first shark is coming along swimmingly.

My bedroom underwent a massive clear out today after dropping granny off at Heathrow. It looks exactly the same but the drawers have been culled. Lots of paper work done and as I approach my first anniversary in this house next week, there were  policies to renew, which was done through Quidco.

This week Hannah has a friend staying, Em is heading back from Manchester tonight and it will be, for two more weeks at least, a full house. This is the longest the girls have been around in years as neither of them are going to Japan for the summer. I love it.








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